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Freedom's Fortress

A story of courage, perserverance, and hope.

Annual membership fee: $20 for Adults - $10 for Students
Checks or Money Orders payable to Contraband Historical Society
404 Link Rd., Yorktown, VA 23692 | 757 848-6462

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CHS Membership
CHS Membership w/DVD


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Make a donation.

Click to Donate

The Contraband Historical Society (CHS) is working on many new initiatives designed to educate, inspire and inform, but we need your help to bring them to fruition.

    Contraband Historical Society Upcoming Endeavors
  1. “Prelude to Freedom” music transcription and recreation
  2. Contraband database creation
  3. Contraband documentary
  4. Food For the Soul dinner fundraising event
  5. Contraband Cemetery identification and excavation at Ft Monroe
  6. Oral History Archive (Laura Seltzer-Duny)

To support CHS through:
Cash app: $contrabandsociety3 | PayPal:
Send checks to: Contraband Historical Society, 404 Link Road, Yorktown, VA 23692

CHS Products

Order a copy of the wonderful DVD production
"Freedom's Fortress"
The Contraband Slave Story"
Produced by Gerri Hollins
Filmed by JenPhi Productions
"Freedom's Fortress" The Contraband Slave Story  DVD
Order a copy of "Free To Fight"
Free to Fight
Fredom's Fortress DVD $20
"Free to Fight" Book $10
Prelude to Freedom
"Prelude to Freedom Poster" $10

"Contraband Mug" $15

Escape to Freedom Mug
"Escape to Freedom Mug" $20